Faith Formation
Welcome to the Holy Innocents-St. Barnabas Faith Formation Program! We hope to provide an environment in which the Good News is not merely taught, but truly lived. If we are successful we will all share in developing a sense of what it means to be Church. Christianity is more than doctrines to learn, rules to follow, or prayers to be memorized. Christianity is a way of life.
A good Faith Formation program works in partnership with parents in order to introduce children to Christ and his Church while grounding them in a value system that will see them through the rest of their lives. As your partner, we will guide your children through developmentally appropriate instruction as well as experience in our Catholic Christian tradition. Your part is important too.
Nothing we can do or provide is enough if you do not practice your faith at home or worship in the community regularly. The way you practice your faith, the value you place on good attendance and going to Mass faithfully will always have more impact on your children than anything we teach them in class. Ultimately, it is not what we say, but what you do that counts.
Please notice that our programs in Faith Formation are for everyone. Faith Formation is a life-long process! Adults and teens will find opportunities to grow in faith on these pages as well.
We are here to serve. Together with Father John and the pastoral staff, we look forward to assisting you in any way we can in your journey in faith.
Classes are held in the old Holy Innocents School located at 16359 Frazho Road, Roseville.
Gratefully in Christ,
Maureen Romeo
Director of Religious Education
Office: 586-775-4650